450 quilts. All quilt made in Tennessee , or from neighbouring states, but bought over the border before the early 1900
Sun bonnet Sue from an early 1900s reader. Sam added later.
Yellow/green hand pieced with fabrics hand dyed. 1970s beginning for art quilt era. Made in Memphis
1990s, Hand Appliqué made in Chattanooga, depicting wild flowers.
Made 1940-45 spiderweb with feed/flour sack fabrics from the 1920-30s plus others.
It takes a village scholarship project fund raiser.
Ann Orr design first woman in Nashville to drive a car. Had housekeeping column with embroideries and lace until 1940s. Made professionally.
1850-60 Mariners compass earliest civil war quilt from central Tennessee . Hand pieced and quilted
1870-80 winding blades
Bed of Thorns quilt given by a woman to thank Tennessee family who hide her son and kept him safe during Civil War.
Crazy quilt started1884 Chattanooga area . Incomplete top, boxed it up. Her son became a well known sculptor. 70 years later her son helped her to finish it.
Red and white quilt . Circuit ministers were often given a quilt when they moved on. 1940s Lebanon, Tennessee - Embroidered with all of the names of the congregation, plus cartoon characters that the minister enjoyed and were of that time.
Quilts often used as backdrops for photos.
Aren't you desperate to get to your machine to sew after all you have seen?