This is the Lincoln's front room.
Abe's desk
Some of my tourists
The kitchen. Mrs. Lincoln did most of the cooking
There is a little enclave of original homes surrounding the Lincoln home. Charming!
This cheeky guy was racing along the peaks of the picket fence.
Then it was on to the quilt store. Peace and Appliqué is a truely amazing store. It is enormous, with over 7,000 bolts of fabric.
This is looking from the back of the very long store through to the front.
We were made very welcome. Very welcome.
Just along from the store is Cocoa Blue. Yum!
A little more history as we visited Lincoln's Tomb. It's enormous, but then so is the cemetery it's in.
Fabulous photos. Awesome shopping. Enjoy!! Special Hi to Bev, April, Debbie and Annette. Looking forward to Show and Tell when you are home. Off to Ronnies next week for the day. 37 weeks until Christmas :)